[Copy] Connect a channel directly to an On Grade Inlet
It would be great if ORD had the capability to connect a channel directly to an On Grade Inlet to be able to calculate spread and bypass at the inlet. Currently the workaround is to connect the channel to a Generic Outfall at the edge of the inlet...
[Copy] Ability to modify 'Rational Method Frequency Adjustment Factor' for a specific catchment or range of catchments.
Currently there is only an option to add Rational Method Frequency Adjustment Factors for the entire storm, which affects all catchments. Our GDOT standards require modification of the factor for only C values less than 0.6.
[Copy] Ability to Update/Load additional Pipe networks from Civil 3d
Currently When importing pulling in pipe networks (both utility and drainage) two things happen 1.) They lose a lot of data. 2.) you can only do it once. Then you have to erase EVERYTHING and do it again. The workflow generally goes like this: So ...
Most state are or are moving to using NOAA rainfall Data. Basic IDF tables can be Downloaded and Uploaded, but it should integrate with the different Calculation methods (Table equations, Poly Log, IDF Curve.....)
[Copy] Allow Design Scenarios to change proposed conduit properties and class based on depth of conduit.
The class of a pipe is primarily selected by the depth of cover over a pipe. Sometimes vehicle loads or construction loads have an influence on the class selection