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Showing 36

Export from SewerGEMS to Civil 3D

We asking for an option to have additional export formats to Civil 3D, where is required exporting the network with using mapping and Part list (Piping, manholes, inlet, etc.). Also to export the profiles created in the SewerGEMS (Auto Profiles) a...
over 1 year ago in Storm and Sewer Products / SewerGEMS 3 Future consideration

Open on selection for controls table

Sometimes you need to look at the controls for several facilities at once (e.g., two different pump stations that serve the same zone), and don't want to open the full controls table. It would be convenient to have an option to "open on selection"...
3 months ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterCAD 0 Future consideration

Customer Meter Associated Element - Physical Alternative as Default, not Demand Alternative

Currently it is extremely tedious to change the Associated Element of a Customer Meter Model Element. An unfortunate design choice during Customer Meter implementation into WaterCAD was that within the WaterCAD Schema this Attribute was assigned t...
11 months ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterCAD 0 Future consideration

Bentley HAMMER batch compute option to run scenarios concurrently rather than consecutively

Hi Bentley Team, HAMMER currently runs batch computed scenarios sequentially. For complex models with multiple scenarios this often results in computations running overnight or even over several days to complete a batch of several scenarios. If po...
over 1 year ago in Water Distribution Products / HAMMER 3 Future consideration

Conduit Shape Enhancement (Circular Open Channel)

Create a shape where the semi-circle is at the bottom of the channel in order to model a circular open channel section.
over 1 year ago in Storm and Sewer Products / CivilStorm 1 Future consideration

web-based model viewer

In our sector of the company just me had the software watergems, so it would be awesome if we had a web-based model viewer just to share the results of the models, like pressure zones or headlosses. It would be an huge step for us, we also could u...
over 1 year ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterCAD 0 Future consideration

Create Option to Allow Split Pipes to Get Assigned Next AutoID

Currently, if a pipe is split, say the pipe is P-10000, the new segments are P-10000(1) and P-10000(2). This gets really messy when a pipe is split multiple times. Add an option under Tools / Options to assign the split pipe label to the "Next" pi...
over 1 year ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterGEMS 0 Future consideration

Network trace query to trace pressure zones

It would be very useful to have a query similar to "Find connected" that stops at pressure zone boundary elements. The "Pressure Zone" analysis tool kind of does this, but a query that can do this on the fly from a starting element would be really...
over 1 year ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterCAD 0 Future consideration

Customer Meter Demand & Pressure support for Scada Elements

Most of our large customers are measured using smart meters which are present in our Scada System. Please add support for Scada Elements to connect to customer meters directly (demand & pressure).
about 1 year ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterGEMS 2 Future consideration

Add a toggle to disable moving elements in stand-alone applications.

It is far too easy to move elements in stand-alone WaterGEMS, such that I frequently move things by accident (thank you for easy undo). It would be nice to have the option to disable moving elements since we're 1:1 integrated with GIS and I rarely...
12 months ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterGEMS 0 Future consideration