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Engineering Profile for WaterGEMS

Current profiles in WaterGEMS are too flat for clear visualization of network issues. Engineering-style profiles would provide a detailed view, showing pipe sizes, fittings, and key hydraulic data. This would help engineers better understand press...
3 days ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterGEMS 0 Needs review

OpenFlows - SewerCAD/GEMS Ideas

1. User Data Extension – Make all input fields available to create formulas. As it is right now, I cannot use labels of property fields from a manhole (or a TAP) and use it to create a formula for a conduit. It would be great to be able to use tha...
3 months ago in Storm and Sewer Products / SewerGEMS 0 Needs review

Max Velocity constraint variable according to pipe diameter

In Portugal, as in several countries for where we work, maximum flow velocity in each pipe depends on its diameter. So that, as happens in SewerGEMS, velocity design constraint should be defined for each diameter, and should be a property of each ...
8 days ago in Water Distribution Products / WaterGEMS 0 Needs review

Perform computations using hydrograph peak flows

Allow for hydraulic computations to use the peak flow from hydrographs and instead of the dynamic flows generated from the hydrographs. The software StormShed (which is an allowed software for design use by WSDOT) calculates the peak flow from the...
21 days ago in OpenFlows FLOOD 0 Needs review

[Copy] Allow the road slope to exceed the gutter cross slope

My state agency commonly uses gutters with a 4% cross slope. The maximum superelevation rate is 7%. The gutter slope stays at 4% in this situation. Spread does not compute in this scenario because "A depressed gutter must have a Gutter Cross Slope...
about 1 month ago in Storm and Sewer Products 0 Needs review

[Copy] External Flow Utility Properties for Manholes

Catch basins have the following flow types that can be added: additional subsurface flow (cfs), known flow (cfs), additional carryover flow (cfs), external CA (acres), and external Tc (min). Manholes only have the option of known flow. Known flows...
about 1 month ago in Storm and Sewer Products 0 Needs review

create several computational meshes at once

SewerGEMS with 2D currently has computational meshes applied for one polygon, It is required to create several computational meshes at once for many polygons in different locations and would to create a mesh for all of them at once
8 months ago in Storm and Sewer Products / SewerGEMS 0 Needs review

Time of concentration reported in flextable format

It would be nice to be able to enter and edit time of concentration information in a flextable format. Currently a separate dialog box must be opened for each catchment area to input Tc data for Tc computation. To review the inputs of the Tc compu...
about 2 months ago in Storm and Sewer Products / CivilStorm 0 Needs review

Option to account for surcharge for enclosed storage

For enclosed storages that are undersized and are required to analyze the effects of surcharge, it would be usedful to have a field when created a pond, where you can seleect if the "pond" is enclosed and if you would like to account for surcharge...
about 1 month ago in Storm and Sewer Products / SewerGEMS 0 Needs review

[Copy] It would be beneficial to allow drainage designers to use graphical elements in combination with terrains to define time of concentration components

Currently, in order to determine one of the components of the Time of Concentration (Tc), ORD DU users have to jump completely out of the 'Catchment Properties' interface to determine the length and slope of the Tc element (since once you are in t...
about 1 month ago in Storm and Sewer Products 0 Needs review