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Status Needs review
Products SewerGEMS
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 18, 2024

OpenFlows - SewerCAD/GEMS Ideas

1. User Data Extension – Make all input fields available to create formulas.

As it is right now, I cannot use labels of property fields from a manhole (or a TAP) and use it to create a formula for a conduit. It would be great to be able to use that information to expand the analysis (Using in Queries as well).

2. GVF Convex Design Engine has to comply to the restrictions

More often the not the GVF Convex Design Engine, will not stick to the Design Constraints (Default or Local), it will usually ignore the maximum cover, slope, and velocity. This is a major flaw and needs to be fixed.

3. Add a clash element on “local design constraints”

When designing it would be interesting to have a clash element that would be activated as an option at the local design constraints that would allow the design engine to avoid the clashing with a clash element placed in that segment.

Suggestion: a TAP could be used as clash element, because it is connected to a conduit, so if there’s a field to switch to be activated as physical propriety, it could be able to design the conduit considering the tap elevation. Furthermore, if there’s a field on conduit’s local design constraints that consider the cover depth between the TAP and conduit, would be great, because with this solution it would be able to consider the clashes and Property Connetion entry.

For that the GVF Convex Design Engine needs to be improved and not overrule the local design constraints.

4. Bulk Profile Export

Exporting profiles one by one to DXF is time consuming task, it would be great to be able to bulk export all profiles created into several DXF files (or all set in one DXF file) or publish/print them.

5. Network Review – Queries to find diameters reductions on the network

The diameters of a network need to progressively increase from the starting nodes to the outfall, if at any given part of the network the diameters are reducing the diameter instead of increasing there is a high probability of problems

6. QGIS Compatibility

It would be great to be able to bulk export all alements shapefiles once. A single task to configure a pattern of exporting shapefiles of all the elements contained on the hydraulic model. Furthermore, an exporting option for QGIS compatible file would be great as well.