Quite often I would like to color code a particular set of elements and when I do that I have to choose a Field Name which isn't always relevant. Let's say I want to highlight (color code, color/size) a set of junctions manually picked in my model and in that case choosing a field name is irrelevant. Perhaps, a tick box can be added to the dialogue or 'None' can be added to the Field Name list to have that option.
Hi Sukru,
I'm not sure if this will meet your needs, but you may want to consider using Network Navigator. It allows you to temporarily highlight a set of elements. You can choose a selection set from the combo-box, then toggle on the highlight toolbar button (above the list) to highlight them.
Hi Sukru,
Just to confirm, you do not want to color code on a particular attribute (field) but rather just make all the selected pipes a certain color or size? Meaning, you're OK with creating a selection set but just don't want to have to choose a Field to color code on because you just want to make them all the same color/size?
A workaround would be to use User Data Extensions (for example a boolean true/false) to flag the elements that you want to color code, then pick that as the field to color code on, then no selection set is needed. I can understand how this may take longer to set up than creating the selection set and just picking a random field in the color coding dialog, like diameter, and just setting up the range options so that all diameters are the same color.